Transcend Beyond Stress & Thrive

This 2- Month Program Helps Female Founders and Entrepreneurs (Dealing With Chronic Stress) Take Control of Their Health and Well-being in Order to Grow Their Business With Calm and Resilience and Achieve the Healthy Work Life Balance That They Desire.

Who Am I?

Having worked in social work for nearly 10 years, I suffered from chronic anxiety and near burn-out myself whilst supporting colleagues and clients through crisis, stress and mental health challenges. I realised that I wouldn’t be able to continue doing meaningful work if I didn’t start prioritising my own health and well-being. So I sought out practices that would help me develop mental, emotional, physical & spiritual resilience and found powerful and transformational allies in yoga, meditation & mindfulness.

My own work life balance, well-being and ability to prioritise self-care started to make great gains. I even gained enough energy to start a Mindfulness Program for staff. Yet I continued to see managers, supervisors, CEO’s modelling the same kind of unhealthy work behaviours of my past to their own detriment as well as the organisations’. So I made the most important decision in my life, to share the tools and practices that have allowed me to live with more calm, purpose and resilience.

I’m privileged to be helping others transform their hectic lifestyles that have become our cultural norm, to one of more balance and calm. Where they can actively pursue their careers, whilst honoring the other aspects of life: their relationships, health and the things that bring them joy.

Frida Soerensen has a Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Human Services through La Trobe University, Melbourne Australia and is a professional meditation teacher and graduate of the Australian Centre for Meditation & Mindfulness. She also has over 10 years of personal yoga and meditation practice.

About My Program


Who It Is For?

Female Founders & Entrepreneurs struggling with chronic stress, who fear burn- out will result in their business collapsing. I help them take control of their health and well-being, so they can grow their business with calm & resilience and create their ideal work life balance.


Who It Is Not For?


  • diagnosed with a mental illness e.g. chronic depression and are on any medication related to their mental health.
  • looking for a quick fix, not ready to put in the time to create the necessary changes or unwilling to take responsibility for their own learning and progress.
  • who already has an advanced meditation or mindfulness practice and just needs accountability to get back into starting their routine.

Also, please be advised that this program is not a substitute for psychotherapy, counselling or any other mental health services.

Module One

Stress First Aid


  • Understand your breath’s crucial role in keeping you stuck in flight fight and freeze mode and master 3 effective breathing techniques to reduce and relieve stress and anxiety in the moment.
  • Design your ideal morning routine to bring relief to the stress and overwhelm that you feel at the start of your work day.
  • Create an exquisite evening routine to decompress yourself and prepare you energetically to handle the next day.
  • Develop your personalised Self Care Plan: Identify your 5 most important needs and self-care habits for you to maintain so that stress does not persist.


There’s no need to feel overworked and overwhelmed on a daily basis. It’s possible to prioritise your needs without falling behind. Difficulty sleeping, fatigue, loss of joy, focus and drive do not have to be a reality.

Stop the unhelpful spinning of wheels and start to slow down, decompress, and create a basis for radical self-care. Equip yourself with the tools to break the vicious cycle of stress to create the work life balance you truly deserve.

Module Two

Mindfulness NOW


  • Relieve stress in the moment and tap into calm anytime you need to through “spot meditation” and your own unique mindfulness cues.
  • Gain 20 minutes of meditation time/ mindfulness practice without needing to set any extra time aside by committing to a daily spot meditation practice.
  • Through a simple technique using your senses and your breath, slow down a frantic day and bring more awareness and mindfulness to your daily activities.


“ I don’t have time to meditate” is the most common barrier I hear from busy people when it comes to mindfulness and meditation. But, what if I told you that you could be meditating right now, feeling the calming benefits, without needing to set aside any extra time at all? In fact, you can be meditating WHILE you go about your daily activities using the two most available assets you have, your SENSES and your BREATH!

Eric Harrison, author of the “5 min Meditator”, pioneered the practice of “spot meditation”, a practice of incorporating simple mindfulness techniques to relax the body and mind all throughout your day.

In this module you will slowly start to cultivate awareness, relieve feelings of stress and allow you to find pockets of calm & relaxation without worrying about the technicalities of a more formal meditation practice just yet.

Module Three

The Art of Relaxation


  • Dive deeper into how tension and relaxation manifest in your body and recognise the top key areas where you most habitually tend to hold them.
  • When nothing else works, learn to actively shift energy and release tension through 2 dynamic exercises.


The ability to relax is something so fundamental to our healthy daily functioning, yet so many get stuck and struggle to unwind even when the opportunity presents itself.

In this module, you’ll create powerful relaxation practices and unlock your body’s innate ability to relax.

Start softening tightness and tension, create greater awareness around your unique stress and relaxation patterns and start calming a racing mind that keeps you operating in Fight Flight and Freeze mode.

Module Four

Creating Your Meditation Practice


  • Demystify the practice of meditation through learning the basics- (it’s really quite simple!)
  • Set yourself up to consistently meditate by creating your own meditation space and a daily practice that is realistic for you.
  • Set yourself up for meditation success by using the 7 meditation/mindfulness allies.
  • Start to build your meditation muscle with a simple meditation technique to relax and still the body and mind.


Perhaps you’ve tried to set up a meditation practice before, having consistently heard about the endless benefits of meditating regularly. Only to run into the all too common challenges of keeping a consistent routine, falling for more enticing distractions and the frustration of dealing with the incessant chatter of the mind!

This module will set you up for success in creating and maintaining a meditation practice that is realistic and tailored to you, so you can start and finish your day by letting go, clearing the clutter, and creating space for what is truly important.

Module Five

Meditation & Your Thoughts


  • Create awareness around how you’re responding or infact REACTING to thoughts and situations in your life through a cognitive behavioural lens.
  • Identify the distracting and negative thoughts that draw your attention away from your priorities through mindfulness meditation.
  • Create a habit of simply observing your thoughts as they come and go without getting caught up in the stories that come with them.
  • Discover a simple yet effective journaling tool to restore your focus and clear away the mind-clutter.


A lot of the times it feels like our thoughts happen TO us and we have no choice but to be swept away in its current.

While it’s true that you cannot stop the mind from thinking, you can create the ability to observe thoughts come and go without reacting to their content. Deepening your meditation practice you will create mindful awareness around thoughts and identify your main distractions and negative thought patterns that keep you from being fully present to life and your priorities.

Module Six

Mindfulness & Emotions


  • Understand how emotions manifest as sensations in the body and lessen reactivity to them as they come up using the Body Awareness practice.
  • Stop ignoring, pushing down and distracting yourself from challenging emotions and learn instead to “tend and befriend” your emotional experiences.
  • Create a habit of unpacking difficult emotions to develop greater awareness of yourself and others through an Emotional Inquiry Journaling Process.


Transform from REACTION into wise ACTION through emotional awareness.

We’ve all been guilty of responding less than desirable to frustrations that come about as we try to meet the demands of our modern life. Juggling work, family, health & community can leave you feeling spread too thin. We’re left feeling emotionally frayed, causing impatience, mood swings and over reactions to situations. It can often feel that you’re simply at the mercy of your emotions.

In this module you will create the ability to disrupt this cycle by tuning into your emotions and recognise them as merely sensations in the body that don’t need to sweep you away or pull you under.

Within this awareness you’ll find the choice to act with greater emotional clarity and wisdom.

Module Seven

The Inner Critic



  • Be able to notice when your inner critic takes over. Boost self-compassion and lessen reactivity to negative self- talk through self-compassion meditation.
  • Create your own self-compassion toolkit and be able to apply helpful rituals whenever your inner critic takes over to affirm your inner truth and regain your confidence.


“You’re not smart enough”, “You’ll never achieve that goal”, ”Others are more in control and successful than you”, “Nothing I do is ever enough”. Sound familiar?

We all experience the harshness of our inner critic. Unfortunately the content of your mind has the power to shape not only your thoughts and emotions, but also your behaviour and ultimately your reality.

If you believe that you’re confident, deserving and smart enough to grow your business and become a leader in your field, you’re more likely to seek out opportunities and make decisions that lead you to achieving your goals. You’re also more likely to bounce back from adversity as you might view challenges as opportunities to learn from rather than failures.

In this module create a powerful practice to identify and reframe limiting beliefs through a 5 step process. Grow your self-compassion and continue to reaffirm your new empowering truths through a nurturing meditation practice and self-compassion rituals.

Module Eight

Transcend Beyond Stress: Setting Your Intentions Moving Forward


  • Let’s look back over the 8 week journey and reflect on your challenges and how far you’ve come.
  • Identify your top 5 practices that have had the greatest impact & benefit for you and let’s create a strong and supportive long term practice around these.
  • Gain any extra support and resources you might need to best help you sustain and develop your practice moving forwards.


As your journey with this program comes to an end you’re only at the very beginning of your beautiful growth journey with mindfulness and meditation.

In this final module we will look at how far you’ve come in the last 8 weeks, celebrate your wins and troubleshoot any existing challenges or concerns.

Before attending this session come prepared with any topics or practices where you would like to deepen your skill or understanding and we will make sure that you feel confident and positive about these before the end of the session.

Best of all we will look at the techniques and tools that have had the greatest impact on you and together we will craft a supportive and strong mindfulness & meditation practice for you moving forward. You’ll feel confident and excited about maintaining a powerful practice that will keep you calm, focused and balanced in your work and life.

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